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Disaster Recovery

Business continuity after loss of service

A disaster is an event that prevents an application from fulfilling its business function in its primary deployed location.

Please note Login details to applicable services will be provided to UKSA and/or suppliers offline as required on a principle of least privilege basis.
Type Disaster Response Notification message & banner
Internal - tech Service down due to unknown reason 1. Check logs

2. Check development environment

3. Check database

4. Fix on local environment

5. Test and release to fix issue
Important: Sorry, the service is unavailable. You will be able to use the service later.
Internal - tech Malicious cyber attack on Monitor Space Hazards 1. monitors traffic and produces error logs

2. Tech team assemble and investigate issue

3. [action]

4. Inform GOV.UK PaaS that MSH has suffered a security breach
Important: Sorry, the service is unavailable. You will be able to use the service later.
Internal - tech OA team upload functionality fails 1. Check logs

2. Identify issue

3. Fix on local environment

4. Test and release to fix issue
Important: There is a problem with delivering UKSA analysis. You will be able to view this analysis later.
Internal - tech Ephemeris files are lost from database 1. Identify security issue and inform users if their data has been stolen

2. Restore database from S3 storage
Internal - tech Database lost 1. Identify cause and address issue

2. Restore the database
Important: Sorry, the service is unavailable. You will be able to use the service later.
Internal - tech Server overload We do not have autoscaling, our current use doesn’t justify it. But if scaling is needed, it is a simple change in the Terraform to either vertically or horizontally scale the service. Important: Sorry, the service is unavailable. You will be able to use the service later.
External - workforce OA team is indisposed and cannot provide services 1. Confirm the issue with the UKSA SST and OA teams

2. Upload message to UI

3. Ensure to monitor email account for any outstanding queries or problems
Important: There is a problem with delivering UKSA analysis. There will be delays in the generation of their event analysis.
External - tech Space Track goes down (due to errors/difficulties on their side) 1. Space-Track notifies us about a problem.

2. We warn users that updates are delayed and let them know how up-to-date the data on there is.

3. Any missed CDMs will be replenished automatically when Space-Track is back up and running.
Important: There is a problem with our data source. Data was last received from Space-Track at dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.
External - tech GOV.UK Notify stops working 1. GOV.UK Notify notifies us that there is an issue.

2. Manually send all users an email with the error message.
Important: There is a problem with GOV.UK Notify. You will not be receiving notifications from our service. Continue to check the web interface regularly.
External - tech GOV.UK PaaS stops working (AWS) 1. GOV.UK PaaS notifies us that there is an issue.

2. Manually send all users an email with the error message.
Important: Sorry, the service is unavailable. You will be able to use the service later.
External - non-tech Major collision in orbit 1. Confirm the event with the UKSA OA and SST team

2. Upload message to UI
Important: There has been a major event in orbit. There is limited information at this time. The site will be updated as more information becomes available.
External - non-tech Limited sensor availability 1. UKSA to publish message on interface

Plan intiation:

  1. Notify senior management
  2. Contact and set up disaster recovery Team
  3. Determine degree of disaster
  4. Implement proper application recovery plan dependent on extent of Disaster
  5. Monitor progress
  6. Notify users of the disruption of service if required

Responding to downtime:

  1. What happens if the service goes down for 1 hour
    • Extremely rare that an event will happen with this lack of notice and in fact Space Track only sends us information every 2 hours. We therefore expect impact to be zero.
    • ‘Service is unavailable’ page shown if users try to access the service
  2. What happens if the service goes down for 24 hours
    • Old workflow can be utilised ie OAs contact operators directly.
    • ‘Service is unavailable’ page shown if users try to access the service
    • Email sent to users informing them of the issue and an ETA for fix
  3. What happens if the service goes down for 1 week
    • Old workflow can be utilised ie OAs contact operators directly.
    • For this period of time we would expect to contact operators directly to warn them of service downtime
    • When service recovers, the database will take time to ‘refill’ so users must be informed that some CDMs will be missing


Preventing loss of service

Secure data backups

  • GOV.UK PaaS
    • Dependent on PaaS back-up for UKSA data, user settings, ephemeris.
    • PostgreSQL service backups are taken nightly at some time between 22:00 and 06:00 UTC. Data is retained for 7 days. More info on GOV.UK PaaS backups.
    • We would aim to resolve service from database backups within 4 hours (as per a P1 incident response).
  • Space-Track data
    • If there is a short-term outage of SpaceTrack or a loss of data on our end, the logic will grab missing CDM data and re-pull down all satellite data.
  • Ephemeris files
    • Stored in S3 - this is backed-up
    • If database lost, we can conduct a manual check of the S3 storage to check whether any ephemeris files are stored. The database can then be replenished manually.
  • Ephemeris files
    • Stored in the database only so if the database was lost, the analysis would also be lost. Therefore, we ask the OAs to always retain a copy of all analysis.
    • If UKSA analysis data needs to be restored, we would request copies of the data from the OA team.

Assessing service performance

Mean time will be recorded to assess how resilient the service is:

  • Service availability
  • Mean time between failures
  • Mean time to repair
  • Downtime
This page was last reviewed on 25 April 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 25 July 2022 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 25 July 2022. This might mean the content is out of date.