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06. Have a multidisciplinary team

Put in place a multidisciplinary team that can create and operate the service in a sustainable way.

Be built by a multidisciplinary team that’s appropriate to what they need to achieve during the relevant phase of the service’s development, and co-located as much as possible

  • This is a complex project requiring a full multidisciplinary team.
  • Our team is made up of individuals from UKSA, GDS, and our suppliers The PSC with Cranfield University, who together have the digital and service knowledge to deliver the beta. Team roles include:
    • UKSA Service Owner
    • Supplier Service Owner
    • Delivery Manager
    • Product Manager
    • Technical architect
    • Buiness analyst, design
    • Business analyst, user research
    • Software engineers
    • GDS advisor
    • Comms and engagement lead
    • Program Manager
    • Lead orbital analyst
    • Satellite operators subject matter expert
    • Dev-ops engineer
  • We have been unable to co-locate as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, we have set up an MS Team group, for the whole team to collaborate and meet on a daily basis.
  • We have shared software access, particularly using JIRA.

Include people on the team with expertise in how services are delivered across all the relevant offline channels, and the back end systems the service will need to integrate with

  • Rob Hettrick and Phil Buckley - vast experience delivering digital projects for Government
  • Raytheon NORSS - experts in orbital analysis
  • Ana Santiago - GDS advisor
  • Software engineers - backend and frontend engineering, devops engineering
  • Ana Santiago provides technical assurance; while Adam White and Andrew Hammett, orbital analysts, provide key knowledge in this highly technical sector.
  • Adam Baker, a space operators subject matter expert, has provided valuable insight into the space industry and advised on the project throughout.
  • Robert Hettrick and Arthur Nicholson-Gumula have provided technical architecture expertise.
  • We have consulted security experts when necessary. We have received advice from the external security advisor, Paul Bergin. We have planned penetration testing by a third party.
  • We have done 2 external pen-tests.
  • We have consulted lawyers on any legal liability concerns.

If the team is working with contractors and outside suppliers, make sure it’s on a sustainable basis

  • Monitor Space Hazards is a live piece of software which will require managing throughout its life. However, it has been designed to allow investment to be scaled up or down based on needs.
  • Each piece of work has been procured separately in DOS so as to ensure UKSA gets the best supplier.
  • The PSC has strong digital, data, and space experience but has had to improve its offer each time to win the work.
  • The PSC team have explicitly worked to upskill the UKSA team so that they can take on the management of the product in future. Training was provided on agile ways of working and Jira. The contractors also set up software library accounts in the name of the UKSA to minimise friction when responsibilities are transferred in future.
  • The PSC were successful in being procured to carry out the public beta.
This page was last reviewed on 7 December 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 7 June 2023 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 7 June 2023. This might mean the content is out of date.