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In this view the components for the API Application are in focus. This is due to it being the core container for the logic in the service, other containers such as the Web Application mirror its components, or in the case of the SpaceTrack Application are a subset.

OpenAPI documentation is available directly on the API server.


The components for Monitor Space Hazards (MSH) are:

  • Satellite - this component allows the retrieval of Satellites information from Monitor Space Hazards. It can also trigger data import from SpaceTrack and ESA Discos.
  • Satellite Conjunction Event - this component allows the retrieval of conjunctions events raised by Monitor Space Hazards for Satellites that it is monitoring. Additional details of data sources for the event and the associated SpaceTrack CDM ID are also available.
  • CDMS - this component manages the SpaceTrack integration. It can trigger a new synchronisation and return the latest CDM ID imported.
  • Analyses - this component can retrieve analyses from Orbital Analysis, and allows them to be uploaded (if the user has appropriate permissions).
  • Users - this component manages the users of the service. It allows for their creation, updates and deletion.
  • Ephemeris - this component allows the upload and download of ephemeris data by Orbital Analysts and Satellite Operators.
  • Health-Check - this component provides a health-check function for the application.
  • Statistics - this component returns key statistical information on data within Monitor Space Hazards.
  • External Data Performance - this component returns performance data for external datasources.
This page was last reviewed on 1 June 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 1 September 2023 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 1 September 2023. This might mean the content is out of date.